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2024 Program



The Personality Problem: A New Way to Give Feedback that Doesn’t Suck

September 24, 2024
HR Tech Talk Theater
The New World of Work
Real talk for a second. We've all encountered truly challenging employees. Toxic. Incapable of change. And most organizations have systems in place to address these situations quickly. But there’s a huge problem illuminated by surprising new research: It turns out that it’s our top performers who are receiving the most problematic, personality-focused feedback. And it’s making them quit in greater numbers than ever before. “Smile more!” “Be more approachable!""Try to be more likable.""Don't be so emotional.""Just be more confident!” Why are we giving our best people advice that doesn't actually help them grow? In just 20 minutes, you'll see the data—what feedback is being given in your organization right now—and then we'll talk about how to finally fix it for good. Bring your beverage and let’s get real about your personality problem.
Jensen Harris, CEO - Textio

Session Type

HR Tech Talk

Learning Objective 1

1) Get insight into what kinds of feedback are being given in your organization right now, based on our analysis of over 23,000 performance reviews across 250 U.S. organizations.

Learning Objective 2

2) Gain a deep understanding of what makes feedback high- vs. low-quality, along with why it's difficult to notice the difference.

Learning Objective 3

3) Learn how to scale great feedback in your organization with purpose-built AI tools, so everyone has the opportunity to grow and deliver results.

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