September 16 - 18, 2025
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
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2024 Program



Explorance Demo | Enhancing Employee Experience through AI-Powered Qualitative Analysis with Explorance MLY

September 25, 2024
Demo Theater 1
Employee Experience
In today’s dynamic workplace, understanding and acting on feedback is crucial for enhancing engagement, retention, and overall organizational success. This can be done through surveys, although many organizations limit the open-ended questions they ask because comments require too much time and resources to consistently analyze.

Meet MLY, pronounced [mi-lee], the award-winning AI-powered qualitative analysis that helps organizations better understand the voice of their employees by analyzing comments from any source.

Through MLY actionable insights, many organizations, like Microsoft, see incredible results in creating a more engaging environment by aligning employee experience with employee needs and expectations.

Join this session to discover how MLY provides the highest quality insights from comments to allow every leader to make the best decisions, enhancing employee experience.
Michael Lee Jones, Solutions Engineer - Explorance
Clément Merceron, Product Marketing Manager - Explorance

Session Type

Vendor Demo

Learning Objective 1

1) Gain insights into employee sentiment and understand what the positive and negative drivers of employee engagement are.

Learning Objective 2

2) Uncover in just minutes actionable recommendations made by employees with the ability to filter and share insights per team, department, location, and more, so everyone can own change.

Learning Objective 3

3) Highlight time-sensitive alerts instantly, and address issues of harassment, discrimination, and safety before they can further impact employees, productivity, or business image.

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